Please be aware the Feed in Tariff scheme is now closed to new applications. The information in this tool regarding Feed in Tariffs is not up to date, though changes are in development

Step 1: Find your community!

The first step for joining your community is to find it. Your community leader should have supplied you with a unique “Community Tag” which identifies your community. To proceed please enter your community's tag below and click “Find”.


Existing users! Update your pledge!

Already joined a community and want to update us on your progress? Please login here.

Step 2 : Sign up


About our community

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus orci eros, a elementum diam bibendum vitae. Sed pellentesque, tortor quis ornare blandit, magna elit placerat augue, id varius magna nisi quis sem. Nulla in euismod nibh.

Our goal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus orci eros, a elementum diam bibendum vitae. Sed pellentesque, tortor quis ornare blandit, magna elit placerat augue, id varius magna nisi quis sem. Nulla in euismod nibh.

Community Link

Terms and conditions

Energy Saving Trust will use the information you have provided about your property for analysis on the UK housing stock. We will not share your information with any third parties without your consent unless we are legally required to do so. For more information about how Energy Saving Trust uses personal information see here.

My Details (optional)

* By providing your contact details you are consenting to allow your Community Group Leader to contact you for the purposes of providing you with advice and support on energy efficiency. You can use the Community HEC Tool without providing these details but you cannot be contacted by the Community Group. This means you may miss out on advice or measures that your community is offering. You can withdraw your consent to be contacted at any time by contacting or your community leader

My Community Group Leader

Your Community Group Leader is

[Community Leader Name]
[Community Leader Email]
[Community Leader Address]

Forgotten password or username

Forgotten your password?

Enter your username and we will send a password reset email to the registered email address for this account.

Forgotten your username?

If you have forgotten your username, please enter the email address you used and we will send an email with any accounts linked to that address.